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Supercharge Your Facebook Ads with Automated Rules

Supercharge Your Facebook Ads with Automated Rules

What are automated rules on Facebook Ads and how do you set them up?

With an increase in the volume of promotional initiatives, verifying their excellence can turn out to be an ever-increasing challenge. In response to the demanding job of sifting through extensive data layers, as well as correctly distributing budget and optimizing engagement time with marketing pursuits, considering the use of automated regulations available on Facebook Ads becomes crucial. This write-up seeks to delve into the what, why, and how of using automated rules and how they bolster the expertise in targeting.

What are automated rules for?

Implementing automated rules provides the liberty to enable and disable advertisements, manage your budget efficiently, monitor performance, and set up alert notifications. To make use of a specific feature, establish the corresponding requirement and choose the desired action.

Further, using real-life instances, we will assess three challenges resolved via automated rule implementation:

  • Regulate the occurrence of ad displays.
  • Manage CPC, along with the conversion rate.
  • Customize the ad display schedule based on the preset daily budget.

How and why should you limit the frequency of impressions?

An overabundance of ad impressions can potentially skyrocket the price of a targeted action, like those found in targeted Instagram ads. To avoid falling into this trap, it’s advisable to utilize automated rules that permit you to shut off your ad promotion if it’s been shown to your online audience more than twice. Bear in mind that this figure is an estimate and may vary depending on your product and the specifics of your marketing strategy.

So, how do you proceed with this? In this context, changes are made at the campaign level. Hence, your first move should be to select the relevant campaign. Subsequently, hit the “Rules” button and choose the “Create a new rule” option from the dropdown menu that appears next.

Supercharge Your Facebook Ads with Automated Rules

This action will prompt a configuration window to appear where you need to adjust two parameters:

  • Choose to implement the rule to all currently active ads.
  • Progress to the “Conditions” section. Within the array of conditions, search for and choose the “Frequency” option, and insert the number of impressions at which you would like your ads to be deactivated, let’s take three as an instance.
Supercharge Your Facebook Ads with Automated Rules

Finally, all you have to do is ascribe a name to the rule and save it. Henceforth, your impressions, and as a result, expenses will be much more manageable.

How do I make a rule to manage the cost of conversion?

Several elements can influence the conversion rate cost. Recognizing these changes early on is critical for effective cost management. To ensure that no sudden cost increases are overlooked, implementing a notification system is highly useful. This system is informative about any change in conversion costs.

Entrusting automated rules with this responsibility can be an option, but note that this function is only accessible for campaigns with “Conversion” as a goal.

The process is similar to the previous course of action, where the campaign is marked and a new rule is established.

Under the “Actions” section, select the “Send Notification Only” option. Next, define the necessary conversion price in the “Conditions” section. For instance, this price should not surpass $3.

Supercharge Your Facebook Ads with Automated Rules

Rule for setting the schedule of impressions

Working with a whole-period budget for your campaign enables a seamless setup for the display schedule, free of potential issues. Nevertheless, when operating on a daily constrained budget, planning for impressions becomes a challenge. Luckily, the existence of another automated regulation could effectively fill in this gap.

The development of this rule involves setting the activation of your campaign as the action, accompanied by designating the existing date and time.

Future steps include the formation of a schedule. This process entails accessing user settings and devising a weekly display timetable. Intriguingly, within a single day, it’s possible to have multiple display intervals.

Supercharge Your Facebook Ads with Automated Rules

Once we’ve stored this regulation, move forward to create a separate rule for the identical campaign. However, on this occasion, already mention the timing when the campaign will be deactivated.

Supercharge Your Facebook Ads with Automated Rules

Checking the Rules

Confirm that all your automated rules are accurately stored and functional through the comprehensive Facebook Ads Manager dashboard. Simply opt for “Automated Rules” from the drop-down list, and gain access to a complete rundown of these rules, along with comprehensive details. You even have the convenience to tweak, erase, or preview these rules as per your preference.

Supercharge Your Facebook Ads with Automated Rules

A bit more about the benefits of automated rules

Discover a tremendously practical tool for Facebook Ads that simplifies campaign management exceedingly while also being a great time-saver.

Explore the myriad of tasks you can perform with automated rules:

  • Monitor and manage offline conversions effortlessly.
  • Activate or deactivate adverts when specific conditions are fulfilled (such as costs, quantity of mobile app downloads, and so on).
  • Get notified promptly about any activities linked to your promotional posts (including when someone drops a comment).
  • Keep track of the volume and expense associated with mobile app downloads.

Delve deeper into the comprehensive range of functionalities offered by automated rules via the corresponding Facebook Ads interface. When you execute several rules concurrently, you have the freedom to ‘intersect’ their respective conditions. However, the greater the number of such ‘intersections’, the more challenging it gets to ensure the precision of the rules without causing conflicting conditions.

Automated rules are a boon when it comes to maintaining a check on your adverts. However, they do not eliminate the need for the continuous engagement of a targeting analyst to oversee campaigns and be prepared to fine-tune the settings.

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