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Dive Deep into Twitter Advertising: What You Need to Know

Dive Deep into Twitter Advertising: What You Need to Know

Twitter, a powerhouse in the social media space with an audience that surpasses 330 million users, has seen its microblogging format grow in popularity due to its convenience. It’s become such a core aspect of daily life that countless individuals commence their day on Twitter, keeping up-to-date with the most recent news and sharing vital (and sometimes less significant) occurrences. The platform hosts an impressive legion of influencers backed by an even more substantial crowd of loyal followers. It’s a preferred channel for advertising all kinds of products and services, with a significant interest in paid promotion.

Paid promotions on Twitter are especially effective in product or personal brand exposure, lead generation, and the augmentation of site traffic.

We stand ready to acquaint you with the realm of business opportunities that Twitter offers. Additionally, we’ll shed light on the complexities of advertising configurations and share the secrets behind making your advertising efforts on Twitter fruitful.

Welcome to an Advertising Account

Twitter provides two distinct methods of paid advancement: a quick promotion of an existing post and a full-fledged advertising campaign. To leverage the first method, you simply need to pick a tweet and choose to promote it. You can discover this feature by clicking on the “Analytics” icon associated with a specific tweet.

Dive Deep into Twitter Advertising: What You Need to Know

The second approach involves utilizing an advertising account to set up a comprehensive campaign. Accessing this account is possible either through the direct link,, or from within an active user account. Simply click on “Ads info” or look for “Twitter Ads” in the side menu.

Dive Deep into Twitter Advertising: What You Need to Know

Now, let’s delve deeper into this second method. Even though it demands a bit more effort and understanding, the return on investment is typically greater.

Just like Facebook Ads, the arrangement of a Twitter advertising account follows a similar format. It is primarily split into campaigns, ad groups, and individual ad levels.

Campaigns on Twitter

Beginning a campaign starts with a familiar step, just like Facebook Ads or Google Ads, you are expected to define your objective. Twitter gives you a trio of targeted categories to choose from: awareness, engagement and conversions.

Dive Deep into Twitter Advertising: What You Need to Know

Once your objective is clarified, it’s time to lay down the basic structure of your campaign: start by deciding an apt name, attach a relevant map, determine your daily or total expenditure, and design a schedule which could either mark the launch date or designate the duration of your campaign.

Ad Groups on Twitter

In the process of setting up an ad group, it’s crucial to define your bid strategy and formulate an identifiable name for the ad group. While detailing start and end dates of impressions and the budget are discretionary, they could aid in streamlining your advertising process.

Dive Deep into Twitter Advertising: What You Need to Know

To facilitate bids allocation, you may opt to allow the system to handle it by choosing an automated strategy. Alternatively, you have the option to handle it yourself by manually entering bids. Though the automated strategy is promoted within the settings, it behooves you to delve deeper into the ad display mechanism before selecting this option.

Twitter employs an auction system to decide on the ad that gets displayed. With automated bidding, the system endeavors to arrive at the most optimal price. Here, computations take into consideration both the preset budget and the set goals of the campaign.

The suggested daily budget begins at $30.

Nonetheless, the actual expenditure is contingent upon several variables:

  • The size of your target audience
  • The responsiveness of your audience to the ads
  • The count of advertisers your audience is exposed to
  • The size of the bid, among other factors

The cost affiliated with interactions can fluctuate daily. Consequently, the most efficacious way to manage expenditures is to manually set the bidding rate and monitor it continually. As the system displays ads and the audience interacts with them, data is accumulated, aiding the system to achieve more reliable and consistent outcomes in the future.

Creative Elements

Once the campaign and ad group have been successfully established, it’s time to progress towards tweet selection. Carousel ads are also an option you can explore.

Dive Deep into Twitter Advertising: What You Need to Know

Now, to ensure your ads are as effective as they possibly can be, here are a few guidelines to consider:

  • The power of calls to action should not be underestimated. Motivating users to “call”, “visit the website”, “download the app”, or any other specific action increases your chances of higher conversion rates. A rightly implemented call to action can indeed do wonders.
  • Prioritize the clarity of your tweet adverts. It’s preferable that they do not consist of hashtags or mentions as they might divert a fraction of your audience to elsewhere.
  • Always bear in mind the character limitations. Your posts should not exceed the 280 character mark and remember, videos can’t be longer than 2 minutes and 20 seconds.

Audiences and Targeting

For effective reach to your intended market demographic, you may consider utilizing the following criteria:

  • Demographics such as age and gender
  • Linguistic preference and physical location
  • Types of device and its operating system
  • Cellular service provider
  • Personal interests
  • Social events
  • Favorite Films and Television Programs
  • Conversation Themes
  • Keyword searches
Dive Deep into Twitter Advertising: What You Need to Know

Particular emphasis should be on keyword selection. These are the words your market demographic frequently use in search queries, incorporate in their tweets, and encounter in posts that pique their interest. Ideally, you would be looking at about 25 keywords. It’s crucial these words correlate with your target audience’s interests and the content of your promotional posts.

As for establishing your audience, there are two methods for fine-tuning it:

  1. Develop a bespoke audience.
  2. Import your own pre-existing audience.

Here are some options for importing data:

  • Arrays of Twitter usernames or email contacts.
  • Recent visitors of your webpage.
  • Users of your mobile application.
Dive Deep into Twitter Advertising: What You Need to Know

Once you’ve finished setting up your target demographics and audiences, you might want to head over to the Campaign review tab to ensure everything is as it should be. You also have the option to add additional ad groupings from this screen.


All necessary information about the campaign’s progress and the interactions with your target audience is readily accessible from the ‘Campaign’ tab. This tab provides insights into expenses, follower count, and the cost-effectiveness of the campaign results. It further allows you to adjust the date range for monitoring these key performance indicators. In case you are managing multiple campaigns, ad groups, or individual ad copies, we’ve provided the functionality to simplify your search process by adding filters based on attributes like name, status, or objectives. The interactive metrics indicated towards the audience can be independently analyzed based on distinct factors, such as geographical locale, gender, preferred languages, platform used, age demographic, along with custom audience specified in the advertisement targeting settings.

Dive Deep into Twitter Advertising: What You Need to Know


Gaining access to analytics within your advertising account is no daunting task. Positioned just adjacent to the Twitter Ads logo, it possesses a handy dropdown option.

Dive Deep into Twitter Advertising: What You Need to Know

A concise rundown of an analytical overview:

  • The Account Homepage – The entirety of your account’s elementary information is situated here. This incorporates the total number of your followers, your most-liked tweets, mentions, alongside some helpful tips for refining your account.
  • Activity related to Tweets – All data concerning tweets is amassed at this spot. Simply select the tweet which piques your interest and receive a comprehensive data report, enlisting likes, retweets, and respective replies.
  • Activity associated with Videos – This tab houses all you need to know about video posts which were shared by utilizing Twitter Ads.

Tools for optimizing advertising campaigns

To streamline your work while amplifying its effectiveness, there are useful tools at your disposal. Among these, the Ads Editor stands out. This tool is a powerhouse when it comes to managing multiple campaigns with ease. Should you need to modify one or a few campaigns, the Ads Editor, paired with an Excel spreadsheet, is all you’ll need. Information adjusted in Excel can be fed into the Ads Editor and subsequently applied to an advertising account. Another resource is Conversion tracking, which can be easily accessed on the primary Analytics page.

Dive Deep into Twitter Advertising: What You Need to Know

Conversion tracking provides you with insights into how users engage with your ads. The key to tracking conversions is the Website Tag. It becomes indispensable when you’re intent on tracking visitors who land on your site via Twitter. This tag records click-throughs on a link, site visits after post views and after retweets.

This tag should be strategically placed on every page of your site where you anticipate conversion. The data collected is categorized based on the type of conversion (such as feedback, call, purchase, etc.), and can be exported in .csv format.

The tag can either be a universal website tag, perfect for placement on any page of the site or a unique ‘Single-event website tag’ for tracking certain conversions. Systemically, the use of a universal website tag is advised.

Dive Deep into Twitter Advertising: What You Need to Know

To set up a generic tag, follow the steps below:

  • Navigate to “Conversion tracking”, as depicted above.
  • Choose “Create new website tag”.
  • The system will automatically create a tag and guide you through the installation process.
  • Upload the file that contains the code.
  • Situate the code snippet on the interested pages prior to the HTML tag.
Dive Deep into Twitter Advertising: What You Need to Know

What do you need to know before launching a Twitter campaign?

Running any promotional campaign has its elements of gamble. These campaigns can potentially exhaust your budget swiftly, target the wrong demographic, or generate inconsistent performance metrics. However, dash your fears aside, for we have some guidelines that can assist you massively in reducing or potentially sidestepping these perils completely:

  • It’s recommended that you should manually set your bids and gradually escalate them, whilst consistently overseeing the outcomes.
  • A more benefitting strategy is to assign the budget at the level of the ad group. This approach enables you to manage a more uniform allocation of views among various groups.
  • Regular examination of user data will facilitate the trimming of non-targeted views.
  • If group specific conversion costs appear inflated, fragmenting it into smaller, more distinct groups could be beneficial. It could allow for precision in data and could conserve your budget.
  • Inactive creatives should be deactivated.

The principal merit of using Twitter for advertisements is the immense scope of audience reach. It’s improbable that your ads will be overlooked in this platform. Nonetheless, Twitter’s system does have its limitations, especially regarding ad display optimization. This implies the necessity of meticulous attention to the campaign configurations and constant results monitoring.

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