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Amplifying Animal Welfare: Maximizing Google Ads Grants for ‘Dog Patrol’

≈ 1.5 USD
≈ 9%

Business Situation

Since its inception in 2017, ‘Dog Patrol,’ a non-profit organization in Rostov-on-Don, has been dedicated to addressing the issue of homeless dogs through spaying, neutering, and vaccination. As a newly established center, they faced the challenge of raising funds to launch and sustain their noble cause.


‘Dog Patrol’ approached Tula Digital Marketing with a unique requirement: to effectively utilize the Google Ad Grants program, which offers $10,000 per month for search engine advertising, while adhering to its stringent guidelines. The primary goals were:

  • To maximize the use of the $329 daily budget.
  • To focus solely on text advertising.
  • To maintain a minimum 5% CTR at the account level.
  • To ensure CPC remained under $2.
  • To target specific, relevant queries for charity and animal help.
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Our strategy involved a global approach, broadcasting ads worldwide while complying with Google Ad Grants’ restrictions. Key steps included:

  • Translating the website into English.
  • Creating separate ad campaigns for different countries.
  • Applying for and securing the Google grant.
  • Setting up targeted search campaigns.
  • Implementing negative keywords to filter out irrelevant traffic.
  • Establishing conversion tracking for clicks on donation options.


The campaign successfully launched the sterilization center on September 17, 2018, raising 2.5 million rubles before opening. Although direct contribution tracking was challenging, the campaign significantly increased awareness and support for homeless animals, evidenced by over 4850 visits to the contact page.

Performance Benefits

  • Efficiently utilized the Google Ads Grant.
  • Achieved high CTR and effective CPC management.
  • Raised substantial funds and awareness for the cause.
  • Adapted strategies to comply with Google’s guidelines while maximizing impact.


This project not only aided ‘Dog Patrol’ in their mission but also demonstrated our ability to navigate the complexities of Google Ad Grants. Through careful keyword selection, geotargeting, and continuous monitoring, we achieved remarkable results, contributing significantly to the welfare of homeless animals.



Margarita Karpova

We, the autonomous non-profit animal protection organization «Dog patrol», are sincerely grateful to Tula Ruslan for his contribution to the development of the project and for his indifferent attitude to the problem of stray dogs in the city Rostov-on-Don.

Ruslan Tula made an initiative on a volunteer basis to help with the promotion of the “Dog Patrol” project with the help of Google’s advertising tools. Ruslan set up several advertising campaigns in Google Adwords and YouTube, he told in detail about all tools and settings used in the campaigns, and recommend methods and criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of placements. In addition, Ruslan took on the monitoring of advertising campaigns and their optimization.

Besides, I would like to underline professional support from Ruslan, which is expressed in the regular monitoring of placement results, recommendations for expanding and optimizing campaigns. In addition, we want to emphasize the introduction of all adjustments for the shortest time.

We are sincerely grateful to Ruslan for his disinterested assistance to the charitable project “Dog Patrol”. Thanks to this support, we are one step closer to launching the modern Center for mass sterilization and humane solution of the problem of stray animals in Rostov-on-Don.


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